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A small glass jar filled with white and green flowers is hanging from a white wooden chair, part of a beautifully designed outdoor setup. The scene, showcasing expert landscaping, is set on a grassy lawn with trees and hills in the background under a blue sky with some white clouds.

Summer Gardening Landscaping Design Tips and Tricks

For a lot of us here in London and in the UK, our gardens become an extension to our entertaining space during those much more pleasant summer months. Outdoor parties, barbeques or even just relaxing outside during the long summer evenings are just great.

But when was the last time you did a bit of gardening? While it may be easy to just plant a few pots and string some additional fairy lights across, sometimes we need a different approach; just that most of us don’t know where to start. So we decided to give you some of the key tips and tricks to help you create and landscape your garden & we are pretty sure that after reading this, you will be inspired to start making your garden space just that little bit more beautiful.

Firstly – PLAN. This is crucial. You should place thought towards things like wind. Where does the sun rise and fall, and what shape is your garden in relation to it. You can do a rough sketch to help you create the garden you want – and if you take into consideration the small things mentioned above, it will for sure help solve some future problems before the can surface.

START SMALL. Ever watched those TV shows with a full makeover done in a day, well unless you have a full crew of landscapers and gardeners and other labourers, you will not be able to achieve that. Make sure you plan on what you can do is Realistic! Don’t put yourself under stress – we like to say that you should enjoy the process and have fun with it.

FOCAL POINT. Do you have any focal points you can desing your garden around? Some of the best landscapred gardens are designed around a focal point – this doesn’t have not be something crazy; highlighting something ornamental or decorative can be good, a bright flowerbed, a tree or maybe a water fountain or even a birdfeeder as a focal point can do wonders in making your garden look that much more.



POINTS OF INTEREST. Add some points of interest to your garden. Consider things like decking, footpaths or some stone features. These don’t have to be expensive – in fact the cheaper the better in some cases J (Pallet wood for example can used for so much). Thought of a fruit tree? Great – if you have some space, do it. The rewards of having your own fruits cropping in season is just something amazing!


FINAL TOUCHES. Consider lighting and seating so you can truly enjoy all the hard work you have put in. Ensure to invest in durable outdoor furniture and lighting. Although they may be a little more expensive today – they will pay off well in the long run.



Whatever your future plans for your garden is, Bravo London are here to help. We are all about making beautiful spaces and love style and simplicity. For more tips of how you can beautify your Home and Garden, visit our Blog Page. Also be sure to check out what we can create for you with bespoke fitted wardrobes ranges.
