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A modern kitchen in a new apartment with grey cabinetry and wood flooring. It features a round island with two black bar stools, glowing under-cabinet lighting, custom-made furniture, a built-in oven, and a counter with bar equipment. An orange backsplash adds a pop of color behind the sink area.

Custom-made furniture for a new apartment: the secrets of a successful choice



In what sequence should I buy custom-made furniture for a new apartment and how not to forget anything? We offer some tips on how to furnish the house stylishly, with your own flair, and not overpay. And what to buy in the first place?

My home is my fortress

Forget about impractical and unnecessary pieces of furniture. A new apartment is like a blank canvas where you can start all over again. Multifunctional and practical custom-made furniture in London – here is a new answer to the eternal dilemma when furnishing a new apartment!

Answer the question: how long have you been in the apartment? Even an actively working person spends at least 8 hours a day at home. It is enough for the phrase “my home is my fortress” to acquire new shades! And so that staying in the house every day brings only joy, you should use imagination and ingenuity in the design of the home.

What to buy first?

You are handed the keys to the long-awaited new building. First emotions and pride. But now the adrenaline in the blood subsided, and the question arises: how to furnish a new home? Repairs are ahead. And then – what furniture and in which room should I buy first of all?

We advise you to buy furniture in order of priority. The scheme is as follows:

  • kitchen
  • bedroom
  • cabinets
  • hallway
  • living room

Before going to the furniture salon, be sure to measure the doorways in the house, starting from the entrance from the street to each of the rooms. So you will be able to protect yourself from cases when the product does not fit into the hole even when disassembled.

Make a plan for future furniture. In simple words, mentally or on a piece of paper, draw where and what will stand later. Take into account the ratio of the area occupied by the furniture to the overall dimensions of the entire room as a whole. For the kitchen, living room and corridor, the ratio is 0.35. For the bedroom – up to 0.45.


First of all, designers recommend buying furniture for the bespoke kitchen . Each family has its own rules and habits. If you both cook and eat in the kitchen, like to gather with a large family – accordingly, you should consider a large kitchen set with a dining table and a corner or chairs.

Stopped at the option with built-in equipment? First, it should be purchased, and then the size of the refrigerator, stove, oven, etc. calculate the dimensions and details of the kitchen set.

Then it’s up to your imagination. Facades in the style of loft, modern, minimalist or classic – there will be plenty to choose from.


An equally important purchase is a bed. Getting a good night’s sleep and waking up in the morning on a comfortable bed is a dream, isn’t it? Fortunately, the modern industry offers options for every taste and color: one-bedroom, two-bedroom, one-and-a-half, two-story.

By the way, did you know that on average a person spends a third of his time in bed? Think about the presence of bedside tables, this touch will add convenience to your evenings. You can also install a ladies’ corner – a make-up table and pouf.

And let’s not forget about the cabinets. Modern design solutions allow you to “hide” the wardrobe, harmoniously fitting the built-in composition into the overall picture of the bedroom. And fans of order are advised to take a closer look at the wardrobe options. Bravo London offers various execution options: from minimalism to loft-style facades.

Do you want to hear “Ah!” from a friend? The appearance and quality of dressing rooms from Bravo London will make all the neighbors come to visit you with a tour. And you will be able to proudly demonstrate your entire arsenal of dresses, pins and handbags.


Tell us what you associate the word “closet” with, and we’ll tell you what gender you are! And if you mention the British wardrobe, we will also determine its age. A joke, but not without some truth.

For a child, this is a fabulous place where mom’s dresses live. For a jealous head of the family, it is a point for finding a lover. In general, the wardrobe is the basis of a happy family life. After all, if the wife has many dresses in the closet, then no lover will fit there!

Ideally, each member of the family should have their own corner for storing clothes. Bravo London offers sliding wardrobes, fitted wardrobes, shelves, chests of drawers, full-fledged dressing rooms and nursery sets, furniture for the bathroom and balcony. Each product is created individually in one copy to order, according to the wishes of the client and his taste preferences.

So, if you want “the same, but with mother-of-pearl buttons” – feel free to contact Bravo London consultants. They will definitely choose the best solution for you.

The hall is the face of the house

This room greets you first after returning home. And also the first to receive guests. Meet by clothes – so says the folk saying. And only your choice depends on what you will see first when you cross the threshold of the house. Will it be scattered shoes and a mountain of clothes on a hanger or a neat wardrobe with engravings on mirrors, a shoe cabinet and an even row of keys that fit snugly on the key holder?

And umbrellas, hats, scarves… The list can be continued for a long time. A solid, properly designed cabinet will fit all this – and even more. By ordering a multifunctional hallway, you can solve the issue of toys forever scattered on the floor in the corridor in one fell swoop, and hide counters or an intercom from prying eyes.

Living room

Get together with friends and relatives for a soulful conversation. Shelter the mother-in-law for a week or two. Watch football on a big screen comfortably in the evening. A properly designed and furnished living room will help you in all this.

To meet the criteria, this room must include a sofa bed, a set of soft chairs, a wardrobe, a coffee table. And, of course, the TV area.

Furniture here performs a practical function, nevertheless, it should be presentable and multifunctional. Well, if you don’t really like mother-in-law’s visits, you can order a harder sofa cover.

The main principles of furniture selection

Custom-made furniture for a new apartment is an ideal option for realizing the design wishes of new residents. Having calculated the furniture according to the dimensions of the house, you will no longer have to squeeze the closet somewhere or look for a place for a chest of drawers. Experienced specialists of the furniture company will help create a project of functional furniture that satisfies both in terms of design and comfort.

What you should pay attention to when choosing:

  • material
  • style
  • color
  • price

Manufacturing material

The appearance of the finished product and, accordingly, its cost directly depends on the materials. Understanding chipboard and MDF options will help you right in the salon when creating a project for future fitted furniture.


When creating furniture to order, there are several approaches:

  1.  You are buying furniture for an apartment that has already been renovated. So, you choose products for the existing interior and general style.
  2. When the apartment is under renovation, it is much easier to choose furniture. You can create a home interior using furniture solutions as an element of design “highlight”. In this case, nothing limits you in choosing a style.


Did you know that colors in the interior can both lift the mood and spoil it? Armed with the tips of psychologists, you can create a holiday mood in your home:

1) Light shades are suitable for people prone to mood swings. Psychologists advise to create the effect of a “weightless” interior, which will not press, so to speak, on the head.

Also, choose such furniture for small or poorly lit rooms.

2) Dark tones will suit connoisseurs of classic English interior. A note of aristocracy can be read in the shades of furniture and large windows (this is a must for rooms with dark furniture). Such tones do not distract attention and help to concentrate, so they are ideal for a study or library.

Also, dark furniture will help to visually reduce the area of ​​the room.

3) Bright colors are not recommended for bedroom decoration. Acidic and rich colors disperse the imagination and stimulate the mental process.

So, if you don’t have enough saturation, stop your choice on small interior items with bright shades. The same goes for purple and blue. Their excess has a depressing effect on the psyche, so the main thing is not to overdo it!

For the bedroom, it is better to give preference to neutral shades. It can be gray, brown, dark blue.

And do not forget the rule: do not mix more than three colors in the design of one room.

4) Do you want to lose weight? Take a look at the green or blue range of colors for the facade of the kitchen and dining area.


Money in the morning – chairs in the evening. The budget decides everything. Create an estimate, consider in advance what you can painlessly save on, and which item in the interior is a priority for you.

Based on the size of the budget, our specialists will help you create custom-made furniture for a new apartment without wasting time, effort, and most importantly, your nerves.

Saving useful space, arranging rooms according to requests and taste preferences, ensuring multifunctionality (and therefore convenience), creating conditions for the most comfortable life – this is what custom-made furniture is capable of.

Quality is the main criterion for such furniture. By contacting Bravo London  you will receive a complex of services, consultations and solutions for your home. At reasonable prices and with European quality of execution.

Our reputation speaks for itself, and the speed of order fulfillment will please even the most demanding customer. What is our difference from competitors? Bravo London guarantees the quality of its products not for one, two or three years. We provide a guarantee for as many as 10 years!

We are waiting for you in our showrooms! Until We Meet Again!
