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Three individuals are standing behind a modern trade show booth with a "BRAVO" sign on the counter at the 2013 Grand Design Live at Excel London. The booth has a sleek design, featuring sliding doors and wardrobe displays. The individuals appear to be ready to assist or engage with attendees.
People gather around the Bravo exhibit booth at the Grand Design Live show in 2013. Some are reading materials, while others are in conversation. The booth displays shelves and clothing, creating a busy and engaging atmosphere at Excel London.
A group of people is gathered in a showroom featuring various closet and cabinet displays. The booth, labeled "BRAVO," showcases sliding doors, interior systems, and fitted wardrobes. At the Grand Design Live event at Excel London, attendees appear to be engaging with the displays and discussing the products.
A trade show booth with the brand name "BRAVO" displayed prominently at Grand Design Live, Excel London. The booth features sleek, modern sliding doors and panels, with informational signs and a counter in the center. The floor is covered with purple carpet, and the backdrop is a light-colored wall.
A large glass sliding door with a black frame, featuring a design of rectangular panels in white and brown, is displayed at Excel London during the 2013 Grand Design Live event. Various lighting and furniture items are visible in the background, while the floor is covered in grey and purple carpet.

Grand Design Live 2013 – Excel London

Bravo London took a part in Grand Design Live 2013 held at Excel London. It was the most successful exhibition so far in the history of the company. We signed dozens of contracts with builders, designers, development agencies and made more than 100 free design visits. We are delighted to say that all of our display units sold out within first few days from the start of Grand design.

Above you will find a few photos of our stand.
