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Tips for choosing a bespoke kitchen

Each housewife treats with special attention the arrangement of the kitchen. This is not surprising, since this is where the family spends most of their time together. A good housewife’s kitchen is always not only perfectly clean, but also very cozy. And useful tips will help you achieve this:

If you cannot decide on the colour of the bespoke kitchen, stop at white. It always looks elegant and is in line with fashion in any era. Also, white colour visually expands the space, so the kitchen will appear wider and larger. You can turn on your imagination and add wooden elements to the design of the room to enhance the effect.

The main thing is not to be too smart. Do not complicate the interior, even if it seems that the bespoke kitchen is decorated too simply. Overuse of decor is a surefire way to ruin even the most stylish setting. Light and unpretentious lines, as well as simple finishing materials are in fashion. So it is worth getting rid of all objects whose only function is to decorate the room. Remember, an empty countertop always looks neater.

A kitchen with an “island” is appropriate only if the area of ​​the room is at least 20 square meters. Otherwise, the aisles between the furniture will turn out to be too narrow, and the hostess will be very uncomfortable to move around here, so you can immediately forget about convenience. And a small-sized bespoke kitchen with an “island” looks even more cramped and cluttered.
It is advisable to hide small household appliances behind the doors so that they do not irritate the eyes. This approach guarantees order in the kitchen, helps to hide everything unnecessary and provides quick access to appliances. For convenience, you can group appliances by organizing a home coffee bar with a coffee maker, coffee grinder and kettle, and a breakfast area with toaster, crepe maker and electric grill.
